Landing Page

What Is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a single webpage that has been created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. In other words, its the first webpage where a user “lands” after they have clicked on a Google Ad or an organic search result.

From a PPC (pay-per-click advertising) perspective, the landing page is the result of a specific advertising campaign. A landing page itself is tailored specifically for the audience who is being targeted in a campaign. It is designed to meet the needs of the user and guides the user to convert on the page.

From an SEO (search engine optimization) perspective, a landing page can be any page on the website and is usually a solutions page or a blog post that is tailored to the topic of the keyword searched (also known as a search query).

Landing pages in PPC are effective because they often generate high volumes of conversions at a high conversion rate. The audience for an ad campaign is much more targeted, and therefore much more effective than in SEO. However, when properly utilizing conversion rate optimization tactics, you can generate a high number of quality conversions effectively.

Top Characteristics of a Landing Page

Headline and Subheaders

Persuasive copy is how you are going to entice someone to stay on your landing page. This copy comes in two forms: a headline and a subheader.

The headline generates interest and attention. It compels the user to continue interacting with your page and pushes the reader’s attention down the page. A good headline explains a unique value proposition of your product or service, as well. This can be something that differentiates your product from any other product.

A subheader persuades the user further. Positioned directly below the headline, it tends to generate more interest and describes what value the service or product can provide for the user.


Providing a visual for the user not only removes the need to read but provides the user with a quick understanding of what the page is all about.

A picture provides an immediate impact on the user. When someone views an image, they immediately come to a conclusion to what the landing page is about.

With this in mind, including relevant and high-quality images is crucial. The image is the first impression to the user and providing them with the best visual of what your brand could make or break their potential to convert.


Understanding what you offer needs to be made perfectly clear. If your landing page is offering a free trial, then what the free trial is and what is included needs to be understood.

This explanation can be integrated within the subheader or header; however, providing extra copy on the page that thoroughly explains what is provided after the form-fill can increase conversion substantially.


Without a doubt, the most important characteristic of a high converting landing page is the call-to-action. The call to action is intended to induce feeling from the user and entice them to click a button or complete a form fillable.

A great call to action will have compelling copy and a contrasting colored button. The contrasted colored button will catch the eye of the user, and the compelling copy will draw the user in.

The positioning of this call-to-action is just as important. You want to make sure that the button is visible from above the fold so that the user can see it when they land on the page from Google.

What Do I Offer on a Landing Page?

The main purpose of a landing page is to generate leads for your business. Your landing page should relay a message about your brand, your unique value proposition, and your product or service offering.

Ultimately, a quality landing page should be constructed around an offering, which can include ebooks, whitepapers, a free trial, and more.

Ebooks and Whitepapers

Say your landing page introduces a topic that is relevant to your current and potential customers. Since blog posts are usually short and sweet, how are you to answer any further questions your readers might have?

You can do this by elaborating on a topic in an ebook or whitepaper. On your landing page, you can “gate” the ebook or whitepaper behind a lead-capture form that visitors can fill out. Behind the gate is a downloadable version of the ebook or whitepaper.

Free Trial of a Product or Service

If your brand is offering customers and visitors a free demo of a product or service, your demo offering should really have its own landing page.

You site visitors and customers will have a one-stop page where they can “land,” sign up for a free trial, offer their email, job title, and other information useful to your business. A landing page makes this super simple both for you and your customers.

How Do I Generate Leads from my Landing Pages?

Strategizing and designing landing pages is an art in itself. In order to effectively strategize and create valuable assets that generate high volumes of leads, you need to work with a search marketing team that specialized in conversion rate optimization services.

Are you having trouble generating high volumes of leads? You deserve better! Get a free proposal to learn how Directive can generate high converting landing pages for you!

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